Best-Ever Healthy Apple Crisp

This healthy apple crisp has all clean ingredients and is free of refined sugar. The only sweetener is just a tiny bit of maple syrup, plus the natural sweetness of the apples. Healthy AND delicious!   


For the apples:

  • 5 granny smith apples
  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

For the crumble topping:

  • 1 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 cup chopped almonds, walnuts, or pecans
  • 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil or butter
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Peel apples and dice into cubes of approximately equal size. In a large bowl, toss with maple syrup, water, and cinnamon. Pour apples into greased 9x9 inch baking dish.
  2. In the same (now empty) bowl, add oats, almond flour, nuts, cinnamon, salt, coconut oil or butter, and maple syrup. Stir crumble topping together and pour into baking dish on top of apples.
  3. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes until apples are soft, covering pan loosely with aluminum foil halfway through to prevent from over-browning.
  4. Serve hot or cold! For an added treat, try with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream! 

Janaelle Humberd, Registered Dietitian, LDN  
Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant / Health Coach


October's Rider Of The Month: Connie M

SWEAT is excited to begin a new segment and show our rider appreciation by highlighting a Rider Of The Month! We could not be more thrilled to announce Connie M as this months rider! Connie represents everything SWEAT stands for, she brightens up the studio every time she walks in the door, crushes it in the saddle and has truly become part of the SWEAT FAM! We love you Connie, keep an eye out this week for a little surprise!  


1. When was your first ride?
I believe it was the end of January beginning of February 2016!

2. Why did you decide to start riding?
I have ridden off and on for years. I love the rush of a spin class but nothing could prepare me for the feeling I had after taking my first SWEAT Class. I knew then this is going to change my life…sounds corny but it’s true.

 3. What's your favorite thing about the studio?
This is tough because I can’t name just one thing. From the moment I stepped in the door everyone was friendly & welcoming, staff and members. I felt like I belonged right away. The studio is alway immaculate and now I don’t have to arrive early because I can reserve my bike ahead of time.

4. Favorite artist to spin to / song to spin to?
I loooove me some old school Hip Hop, R and B, and old school rap. There have been many a time during Ashley’s Throw Back Thursday that I need to stop grooving & remind myself that there are other people around LOL. I can get lost in the music.

5. Take us through your SWEAT journey how has it changed you?
I get welled up when I think about this question, when I started spinning at Sweat I was 53lbs heavier and just not in a good place emotionally or mentally. I had become just a mom, anurse, a caregiver & forgot about myself. I was so busy taking care of everyone else & making sure everybody else was ok. Daughters, patients, my family and my friends just all seemed so much more important than I was. I had driven by the studio many times and kept telling myself go in see what it’s all about. I’m not going to lie I left my first class feeling defeated. How come I couldn’t keep up? How did I let myself get so heavy? You can’t do this. Then I remember the instructor saying you can do anything for 30 seconds while we were sprinting. I could do this and DID!! I kept going back and little by little I got stronger, the weight started coming off but the most amazing part was I made new friends the staff weren’t staff anymore they became my “family” and I found myself. I took time for me, 45 minutes that’s how long a class is but it added years onto my soul & my life. Sweat is my “place” for 45 minutes it’s all about me. I have sweated puddles on the floor & I have cried puddles on the floor because it’s all about me. I am healthy, fit and after a class stress free for a little while LOL. So to sum it up Sweat has changed my life for the better and I look A LOT better in a bathing suit LOL. Krista, Ashley D, Kim, Aly, Janelle, Ashley F you ladies inspire & build me up we live in a world that can be so sad sometimes thank you for being my “place” where I know I’m safe to "get it all out”. Thank you for pushing me when I think I can’t anymore, thank you for the hugs, the laughs, the cries & ALLLLL the good feels. I love you all. I LOVE MY SWEAT FAMILY.


As the weather is getting cooler, your produce choices are heating up!   Most people don’t realize that there are plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables to choose from in the fall months.  Fall is a GREAT time for root vegetables.  These superfoods need time and warmth to develop, so they are hitting their peak in early or late fall depending on when they are planted.  YUM! 


A type of winter squash, pumpkin is a low calorie food full of dietary fiber. Its sweet taste and moist texture make it ideal for pies, cakes, oatmeal, or any baked goods. 

Health benefits include:
• Rich in potassium
• More than 20% of your DRI of fiber
• Good source of B vitamins
• A high content of vitamin A, with a normal serving providing about 246 percent of the recommended daily amount.  


This slightly sour fruit is an antioxidant powerhouse. Antioxidants are compounds found as vitamins, minerals and other sources in fruits and vegetables that counter the effect of free radicals, broken-down cells that cause damage to healthy cells.  The juice provides a tangy base for marinades, and the seeds can be tossed into salads to amp up the flavor.

Health benefits include: 
• Good source of vitamin C and folate
• A UCLA study showed pomegranate juice has higher antioxidant levels than red wine ☺


Sweet potatoes top my list for one of the healthiest complex carbs.  More nutritionally dense than their white-potato counterparts, they can help trim your waistline and provide so many health benefits.  The best is they don’t need much to taste great! Try slicing them up and roasting or baking them as a healthy fry!  

Health benefits include:
• Excellent source of vitamin A which is important for good vision, healthy skin and a strong immune system, among other things. A serving of sweet potatoes typically has twice the daily recommended amount of vitamin A. 
• Good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins.
• Anti-inflammatory benefits, and they are low in glycemic index to stabilize blood sugar.  


Made the correct way, these veggies taste divine. They have a mild, somewhat bitter taste, so combine them with tangy or savory sauces, like balsamic vinegar.

Health benefits include:
• 1/2 cup contains more than your DRI of vitamin K
• Very good source of folate
• Good source of iron


These small and sweet citrus fruits are positively refreshing for fall recipes.  Favorite flavor combos include almonds, dates, and honey. Juice them with oil, vinegar, and ginger for a tasty healthy dressing.

Health benefits include:
• Good source of vitamin C
• Good source of beta-carotene


 Unlike summer squash, winter squash has a fine texture and a slightly sweet flavor. Because of its thick skin, it can be stored for months. It tastes best with other fall flavorings, like cinnamon and ginger.

Health benefits include:
• Contains omega-3 fatty acids
• Excellent source of vitamin A


A cross between a turnip and a cabbage, rutabagas are a popular Swedish dish. To utilize their earthy flavor, add them to casseroles, puree them with turnips and carrots to make a sweet soup, or roast them with ginger, honey, or lemon.

Health benefits include:
• Good source of fiber
• Good source of vitamin C 


Tender and mild, these root vegetables are a great alternative to radishes and cabbage. To flavor these veggies, use fennel, bread crumbs, or even brown sugar. Turnip leaves, which taste like mustard leaves, are easy to cook and dense in nutrients.

Health benefits include:
• The roots are a good source of vitamin C
• Turnip leaves are an excellent source of vitamins A, K, and folate

Janaelle Humberd, Registered Dietitian, LDN  
Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant / Health Coach

Perfect Pumpkin Bars Recipe

Who doesn’t love Pumpkin Bread in the Fall?  I have searched far and wide for a tasty, guiltless, healthy pumpkin bread recipe, and this is the one!   This recipe is gluten free, and is made with all natural clean ingredients. Best of all, it is so easy to make, and tastes GREAT!  Bring on Fall!   

Perfect Pumpkin Bars



½ cup puree pumpkin
2 Tbsp coconut oil, softened (or oil of choice)
¼ cup honey (or maple syrup)
2 eggs, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla
1 ¼ cups almond flour
1 ½ tsp pumpkin spice
½ tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
Optional - mini chocolate chips or raisins


  1. Preheat oven to 350F.  Grease an 8x8 baking pan
  2. Place all ingredients into a large mixing bowl and mix until combined.  
  3. Pour batter into baking pan, bake for 25-30 minutes or until the top starts to darken and the center is set.
  4.  Can be made as a loaf or cut into bars for the perfect fall treat!   Let cool and enjoy! 

Janaelle Humberd, Registered Dietitian, LDN  
Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant / Health Coach


Fall is here!! Take advantage of apple picking season and pick up some fresh apples for a nutritious and delicious treat! We all know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Here are some health benefits of apples!!  

1. High in Fiber: Apples are filled with soluble fiber (a medium apple has ~4-5 grams). This fiber has been shown to reduce intestinal disorders, including diverticulitis, and possibly some types of cancer. 

2. Controls Blood sugar: Due to their fiber content, apples help control insulin levels by releasing sugar slowly into the bloodstream. Controlled insulin is the key to preventing fat storage.  

3. Lower cholesterol: Pectin is a complex carbohydrate and soluble fiber found in apples. Pectin helps reduce cholesterol levels by binding with cholesterol in the gut, preventing its absorption in the blood stream.  


4. Weight loss an apple can have anywhere from 50-100 calories (depending on the size), and has no fat or sodium. The high fiber content in apples will help you stay full by slowing the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestines, increasing the feeling of satiety of fullness from such a small amount of calories. 

5. Nutrient packed- Apples are full of healthy antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Apples are a great source of Vitamin C, which is a powerful natural antioxidant.  Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.

6. B vitamins- Apples are a good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Together these vitamins help as co-factors for enzymes in metabolism as well as in various synthetic functions inside the body.

7. Heart health- Apple also contains a small amount of minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. 

8. Anti-Carcinogenic Properties- Studies suggest apples might even work to fight cancer. In fact, the average medium sized apple contains more cancer fighting antioxidants than a large dose of vitamin C. In addition, apples contain other cancer fighting agents, including phytochemicals and phytonutrients. Antioxidants fight cancer causing free radicals that damage healthy cells and promote the growth of cancerous cells.

Want an apple power snack recipe!? Let us know in the comments below!

Janaelle Humberd, Registered Dietitian, LDN  
Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant / Health Coach


Can’t get to the gym? Don’t SWEAT, I got you covered.


Sometimes life happens and there’s just no time to get to your favorite spin class or the gym for a workout. Other times, we just can’t motivate ourselves to leave the house. Good news is, I have a 30 minute workout you can do in the comfort of your own home, plus three great tips to keep you motivated.


Clear out that head of yours. Working out isn’t always a task…you can enjoy it! The main reason people don’t make it to the gym is because they just don’t want to go. Change your mindset. Don’t look at it as a daunting task, but instead a fulfilling activity. Stay in the moment, and embrace the SWEAT. Remind yourself how good you will feel when you come out on the other side of the workout.


Don’t be afraid to incorporate weights and plyometric training. The combination of the two can work wonders and create the lean physique we all see in the movies and magazines.  As a Certified Personal Trainer I have learned and witnessed time and time again that pushing your muscles to the max uses more muscle fibers and increase your fat burn potential BUT does not change the size of your muscle. The answer to the question you are asking yourself right now is NO, you not going to get “bulky,”  but YES, you will get stronger and leaner!


At the top of your workout playlist, find 1 or 2 songs that you can play before starting your workout that get your mind right! Maybe you aren’t looking forward to working out, and you need your favorite tune jam to get you going. Just like we warmup, find a  song that will prime your senses for the workout ahead.

Now that you have your three tips to beat the workout blues, below is a quick and easy 30 min workout you can do with little to no space! Try it out and let us know what you think. If not, I’ll see you in the saddle!

Perform this workout 3 Times

1. Inchworm Push-Ups: 10 Reps

2. Alternating Weighted Forward Lunges: 12 Reps (each leg)

3. Mountain Climbers: 20 Reps (each leg)

4. Weighted Sumo Squats: 12 Reps

5. Inverted Shoulder Taps: 20 Reps

6. Burpees: 10 Reps

7. Bicep Curls: 15 Reps

8. Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extension: 15 Reps

9. Dumbbell Russian Twist: 20  Reps (each side)

10. Scissor Crunches: 20 Reps (each side)


Protein bars are a great way to get in a convenient meal or snack, but only if you are choosing the right ones!   Some of the bars on the market today are advertised to be healthy, but at a closer look they are nothing more than fortified candy bars!  Just because a bar says it’s organic or high in protein doesn’t mean it’s healthy.   A lot of bars are hiding tons of added sugar, carbohydrates, and calories—not to mention additives that cause digestive distress. Here are some tips for store bought bars…

  • Look at the ingredients – the best bars have all natural ingredients.  You always want to make sure you can recognize or pronounce the list.  The shorter the list the better!   
  • A healthy bar will be high in protein, fiber, and low in sugar.  
  • Fat should be coming from the healthy monounsaturated fats.  

When in doubt, try making your own!  


(Gluten free)
Here is a tasty protein bar recipe that look and taste just like brownies!  For less than 100 calories and a great source of protein, this is a great snack or nighttime treat without the guilt!!  

I keep the leftovers in the fridge (or freezer) and then heat them up for a soft warm brownie!  


Tip: Try adding a Tbsp of all natural peanut butter on top!  YUM!  

1/2 cup almond flour
2 tbsp coconut flakes unsweetened
1 tbsp ground flax seed
3 scoops chocolate protein powder (~110kcals, 16g protein per scoop)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp cocoa powder (unsweetened)
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp almond butter (all natural)
2 tbsp honey
1 large mashed banana (or 2 small)
2 eggs

Preheat oven to 350F. Line an 8x8 square baking pan with parchment paper (or spray with PAM spray). Mix all the dry ingredients in a medium bowl and set aside. In a separate bowl, combine almond butter and honey.  (Try microwaving for 10 seconds to soften them up for mixing).  Add mashed bananas and eggs, mix thoroughly. Add wet ingredients to dry and stir.

Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 16-18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool and slice into 12 bars. 

Nutritional Info per bar (makes 12)
Calories 95.3, Total fat 5g, Carb 6g, Protein 7g,  3g sugar

Janaelle Humberd, Registered Dietitian, LDN  
Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant / Health Coach  



The best snacks to control hunger and keep you satisfied should have protein, fiber, and/or a healthy fat.  These nutrients help to keep your blood sugar stable so that you don’t get those sudden hunger cravings and dips in energy.  Here are some quick on the go snacks that will keep you satisfied! 


Trail Mix
Having a good trail mix on hand is an easy way to give yourself a quick boost of protein, fiber, and vitamins. Find a healthy mix at the store, or even better - make your own trail mix at home with your favorite nuts, dried fruit and seeds.  If you are going store bought, avoid the ones loaded with added sugars. My favorite homemade mix: almonds, cashews, dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and coconut flakes. 

Whether you buy it already shelled or take a few minutes to prepare it yourself, edamame is a great snack to have on hand. Tasty cold or hot, throw some in a bag to enjoy after your next sweat session. A half-cup of boiled edamame provides eight grams of carbs (plus four of fiber) and eight grams of protein, but is only 90 calories. 

Hard-Boiled Eggs
What's great about taking a hardboiled egg with you is that it comes in its own package — all you have to do is crack and peel! What you're left with is a snack that has six grams of protein and is under 100 calories. 

Nut Butter with Fruit
Portion your own nut butter in a small to-go container or grab a single-serving pack like Justin's Nut Butter and you've got yourself the beginnings of a great on the go snack. Add a piece of fresh fruit for a good balance of protein, fiber, and vitamins.  Other options to pair up with nut butter are rice cakes, celery, or some healthy crackers!  

Beef Jerky
Convenience-store beef jerky might not be your first choice for a healthy snack, but keep in mind that it's low in fat and a great source of protein. If that still doesn't sell you on it, skip the convenience store altogether and grab a pack at your nearest health food store. These healthier varieties are made using organic, grass-fed meat, but without the use of preservatives.


Hummus and Veggies
Hummus and veggies make for a great portable snack- they are easy to pack when you're on the move and extremely satisfying. The hummus provides a good punch of protein and fiber to keep you full for hours.  Try it with baby carrots or sliced cucumbers for a satisfying crunch! 

Protein bar
As long as it’s the right kind, this is a great on the go snack. Make sure it’s high in protein and has some fiber to keep you satisfied, and most importantly stay away from the ones that are high in processed sugar (they are basically candy bars with added protein!)  Always read the ingredient list, and stay away from bars with long ingredient lists made with hydrogenated oils or highly processed sugar such as high fructose corn syrup.  Aim for a bar with clean, simple ingredients!  

Greek Yogurt
Before you head out, throw a six-ounce container of non-fat plain Greek yogurt in your bag (buy one of those cooler bags if you are not going to eat it for a few hours). Greek yogurt contains ~18g of protein per 6oz which will keep you satisfied for hours. For some added fiber try adding fruit or low sugar granola, or throw some nuts in for a healthy fat. 

Janaelle Humberd, Registered Dietitian, LDN  
Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant / Health Coach  


It is so important to fuel your body with proper nutrition both pre and post workout, for both energy and recovery!   The best choice is a combination of protein and a complex carbohydrate to provide lasting energy and refuel your muscles.   

Try this nutritious breakfast either before or after your next morning SWEAT session!  



This oatmeal is a perfect combination of complex carbs, protein, and healthy fat.  It is low in sugar since the banana provides a healthy all-natural sweetener! 

-½ cup dry oats
-Add~1/2 to 1 cup unsweetened Almond milk (depending on desired consistency) - mix well

-Optional for increased sweetness and protein- stir in 1/4 scoop of vanilla or banana protein powder
-Add ½ large ripe banana- microwave 2 minutes.  Banana will caramelize and act as a sweetener!   Mix well and let cool!  
-Optional: sprinkle with cinnamon or try a healthy fat topping for loads of flavor!  Ex: 2 Tbsp. of almonds or walnuts, or 1-2 Tbsp. of almond butter or peanut butter!  ENJOY

Here are a few reasons why the carb/protein combo is so important:  

The combination of protein and a complex carb will slow digestion to provide lasting energy and sustained endurance during your workout.

Carbohydrates are your primary energy source - without your morning carbs your body will break down your hard earned muscle for fuel.    

After a workout carbs help facilitate the delivery of protein into your muscles for proper recovery, and replete your energy stores.  

When a carb is eaten alone, a quick rise in blood sugar can occur, which can lead to increased hunger, cravings, and then fatigue.  The combo of protein with a carb helps to stabilize your blood sugar to avoid these symptoms! 

Janaelle Humberd, Registered Dietitian, LDN  
Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant / Health Coach